
While my stories wander (or stumble) through a variety of genres I have a tendency to lurk within crime and speculative fiction. A foray into speculative crime fiction must be lurking around a corner somewhere.

My crime fiction affinities cut a wide swath from 80s detective shows and brain candy legal thrillers to the hard-boiled exploits of  unapologetic antiheroes and noir tales of underdogs, outsiders, and the underrepresented.

Speculative fiction seems to be a catch-all term for anything from horror to fantasy to sci-fi—and employed by authors not wishing to be classified as any of the above. I view it as The World of What If. And with a penchant for near-future technologies and focusing on the human rather than the technical—although I have a soft spot for time travel—it feels a stretch to call my stories science fiction. (Although have no qualms about doing so.)

Not much of a sci-fi fan growing up, I’ve become more interested in science fiction after finally realizing the freedom the genre holds. So I’ve started reading some of the classics. I’m finding a lot of great ideas and bad writing!

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